Top 10 best books on running

From the philosophy that inspires running to technique guides to inspiring stories, running is so deep and has so many different and fascinating aspects.

Although there are countless books on running, in this article we have compiled a definitive list of the best books on running in different categories.

Best of all, they're all available on Audible , so you can listen to them during your sessions.

The Science of Running: Improving Your Training and Preventing Injuries - Chris Napier

book the science of running chris napier

In this book, Chris Napier introduces the anatomy of the runner and how different parts of the body are used when running.

It then adds a comprehensive guide to injury prevention, plus 30 key exercises and training plans for all levels of runners.

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The Ultraterrestrials - An exploration of the planet Trail - Adharanand Finn

the ultraterrestrials adharanand finn

A captivating story tracing the emergence of trail running, told in the first person by Guardian journalist Adharanand Finn.

During this adventure, he had the opportunity to meet prominent endurance racing champions, delving into the reasons that drive these enthusiasts, including his own.

Adharanand Finn, known for his previous investigative work on Kenyan marathon runners, embarked on his first trail as part of a report.

Two years later, it stands at the starting point of the legendary UTMB . Throughout this trajectory, he has crossed paths with the biggest names in endurance racing, probing the motivations that drive these enthusiasts, and above all, the motivations that drive him himself.

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Born To Run - Christopher McDougall

Born To Run - Christopher McDougall

In this fascinating book, McDougall engages in an anthropological, historical and cultural exploration of running.

All this is based on the time he spent with the Tarahumaras of the Copper Canyons in Mexico, for whom running is an essential part of their life.

McDougall explores what makes these people the best runners in the world and uses his knowledge to show that in reality, we are all born to run.

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From my couch to the hardest running race in the world - Grégoire Chevignard

From my couch to the hardest running race in the world - Grégoire Chevignard

If you prefer to leave your couch with enthusiasm, this book could be your perfect companion.

However, be prepared, because it could take you much further than you imagined. Gradually, Grégoire, the protagonist, decides to leave behind the comfort of a sedentary life.

He gradually found himself captivated by the passion for running, until he was completely absorbed by this craze. His journey ultimately led him to participate in a monument of ultra stage races: the Marathon des Sables.

However, it all started with a rather unexpected Christmas gift: a bib for a 5 km race.

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The runner's clinic: health through running - Blaise Dubois

The runner's clinic: health through running - Blaise Dubois

Blaise Dubois, an internationally recognized physiotherapist, has left a significant mark in the field of injury prevention and treatment among runners.

Through his training organization, “La Clinique du Coureur”, he has instructed hundreds of physiotherapists, bringing a revolutionary approach to this discipline.

His book, although very informative and based on scientific foundations, is characterized by its educational nature.

Although it has reached heights in terms of popularity on platforms such as Amazon, it is primarily aimed at an informed and discerning audience.

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Run slowly in order to run faster and longer - Denis Boucher

Run slowly in order to run faster and longer - Denis Boucher

Should we prioritize training at high speed or at low speed? This perpetual question is finally explored from a scientific angle, highlighting the physiological adaptations resulting from the different heart rate zones used.

The book also looks at more effective ways to increase fitness and endurance.

As a result, this book targets long-distance runners who aspire to progress while understanding the ins and outs of the training process.

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Run or die - Kilian Jornet

Run or die - Kilian Jornet

Following in the footsteps of the legendary Kilian Jornet is a challenge, but thanks to this book, the athlete opens the doors of his mind to us.

It is a first-person, personal narrative that delves into the world of trail running, running, competition and personal challenges.

This story is peppered with philosophical reflections and a deep passion for nature and vast wilderness. Prepare to be captivated by this thrilling book, which you will find hard to put down!

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The Running Bible: the scientific and practical guide for everyone - Jérôme Sordello

The Running Bible: the scientific and practical guide for everyone - Jérôme Sordello

The title alone sums up the extent of its content: it is the Bible.

This comprehensive book covers in depth all aspects of training and running.

With its 1061 pages of content, it does not fall into the category of pocket works, but rather positions itself as an essential reference to consult whenever questions arise.

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Endurance nutrition - Fabrice Kuhn

Endurance nutrition - Fabrice Kuhn

Aimed primarily at ultra-endurance competitors, this book may not be of great interest to beginners in running.

However, if you already have several years of running experience and are considering entering the world of ultra-distance with performance goals, it is imperative to seriously delve into the issue of nutrition.

Whether during training phases, preparation for competitions, during races, or even after their completion, this book offers in-depth advice and positions itself as an essential reference on this crucial subject.

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Trail notes - Matthieu Forichon

Trail notes - Matthieu Forichon

Do trail runners have a more pronounced sense of humor than their road runner counterparts? In any case, this is the impression conveyed by the “Trail Notes” series.

Indeed, through three comic strips, author Matthieu Forichon immerses us in the world of trail running by using small characters to illustrate funny attitudes and situations that every trail enthusiast has already experienced.

The graphic style is fine, the humor is incisive, and each vignette, although simple in appearance, is full of details and humorous winks. Taking the time to savor each element is therefore essential, a bit like during a trail race where it is necessary to raise your head from time to time to admire the landscape.

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So, runners, inspired?

Have you had the opportunity to read them? Do you agree with this selection? If so, share your thoughts in the comments!

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